This is some of the examples of laboratory experience in my third Robotics Engineering Course: RBE 2002: Unified Robotics II: Sensing.
"This is the second of the four-course Unified Robotics sequence introducing foundational theory and practice of robotics engineering from the fields of computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. The focus of this course is interaction with the environment through sensors, feedback and, decision processes. Concepts of stress and strain as related to sensing of force, and principles of operation and interface methods for electronic transducers of strain, light, proximity and angle will be presented. Basic feedback mechanisms for mechanical systems will be implemented via electronic circuits and software mechanisms. The necessary software concepts will be introduced for modular design and implementation of decision algorithms and finite state machines. Laboratory sessions consist of hands-on exercises and team projects where students design and build robots and related sub-systems."
Testing an Operational Amplifier to record behavior on an oscilloscope.
Testing an Operational Amplifier to record behavior on an oscilloscope.
Viewing signal behavior on an oscilloscope.
Viewing signal behavior on an oscilloscope.
Using different resistors to get various gains on Operational Amplifiers.
Using different resistors to get various gains on Operational Amplifiers.
Using a Laser Cut Strain Guage to measure how much energy and bend we're putting into the material.
Using a Laser Cut Strain Guage to measure how much energy and bend we're putting into the material.
General Box Structure of our Window Washing robot. This will provide the general framework for our Robot.
General Box Structure of our Window Washing robot. This will provide the general framework for our Robot.
Dimensioning various ocmponents on AutoCAD using a digital caliper. Currently designing the bracket for our Eraser.
Dimensioning various ocmponents on AutoCAD using a digital caliper. Currently designing the bracket for our Eraser.
Implementing a linear slide so we can introduce the eraser to the surface of the board with various pressures.
Implementing a linear slide so we can introduce the eraser to the surface of the board with various pressures.
Lots of calculus involved to determine variables we needed to measure and coefficients we would need to use.
Lots of calculus involved to determine variables we needed to measure and coefficients we would need to use.
Our Linear Rack-And-Pinion eraser deployment system.
Our Linear Rack-And-Pinion eraser deployment system.
Thats a sturdy chassis! We stand by our design!
Thats a sturdy chassis! We stand by our design!
3D Printing the Eraser-Mounting Bracket.
3D Printing the Eraser-Mounting Bracket.
AutoCAD Drawing of what the proposed eraser bracket will look like. Simple, lightweight, conservative on plastic, and functional.
AutoCAD Drawing of what the proposed eraser bracket will look like. Simple, lightweight, conservative on plastic, and functional.
WPI does indeed love its robots!
WPI does indeed love its robots!
Excellent print from my Prusa i2
Excellent print from my Prusa i2
Testing the fit, deployment, pressure applied to the wall, and observing any problems.
Testing the fit, deployment, pressure applied to the wall, and observing any problems.
Installing Debounce Circuits using Resistors and Capacitors. We dialed in potentiometers for exact resistances.
Installing Debounce Circuits using Resistors and Capacitors. We dialed in potentiometers for exact resistances.
Robot in its current state, wired up and bracket mounted.
Robot in its current state, wired up and bracket mounted.
Showing the extending feature of the eraser bracket.
Showing the extending feature of the eraser bracket.
We had to incorporate one four-bar mechanism, so we implemented it on our Eraser Bracket - which can be seen in the lower position of the rotation. This complex motion helps it with cleaning as well.
We had to incorporate one four-bar mechanism, so we implemented it on our Eraser Bracket - which can be seen in the lower position of the rotation. This complex motion helps it with cleaning as well.
Side profile of where we mounted the Arduino Microcontroller and weighing in the robot to see if it is legal for competition.
Side profile of where we mounted the Arduino Microcontroller and weighing in the robot to see if it is legal for competition.